Project Description
Development of a derelict steading and dovecot to form a visitor centre with a new build steel frame extension to the rear to house the distillery process equipment and a glazed extension to front to house a café and servery. The project was split into three separate contracts with their own design teams and contractors. These contracts comprised:
- Main Construction Works
- Café & Visitor Centre Fit Out
- Distillery Process Fit Out
Due to funder requirements there was a need to start on site shortly after the design team appointment. This limited the time available for pre-contract design and planning whilst also necessitating a two stage approach to procurement.
Our Role / Scope
Full Cost Management Services of all packages, detailed negotiation of second stage tender, ongoing change control and final account agreement.
Technical Capacity
The team comprise of the following:
- Project Director;
- Lead Quantity Surveyor;
- Quantity Surveyor
Benefits To Client
- In order to expedite the two stage procurement process Doig + Smith’s service was augmented to assist in the Main Contractor’s trade package procurement. With the three contract designs being developed concurrently, Doig + Smith were also required to manage a large volume of change controls and contract variations.